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Logically defenseable Based on faulty logic
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:18
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 Logically defenseable (3)
 Based on faulty logic (6)

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atypican(4873) pic

Philosophy of secularism

This debate is meant as an exercise is socratic dialog. If you are not interested in this kind of engagement kindly refrain from posting. If you have questions about how this is supposed to work feel free to message me. This isnt a place to dispute the opposing view but to ask questions to expose the logic supporting the view. Also you may choose to answer questions posed by those scrutinizing the position you hold. Those who arent asking or answering questions will be banned

Logically defenseable

Side Score: 8

Based on faulty logic

Side Score: 10

I have come to believe that secularism is the myth that governments can be religiously neutral

I agree with this. The thing is that "religion" is just a philosophy concerning manmade customs and rules. You could call Liberalism a religion minus the god. The same with Conservativism, Communism, Authoritarianism, Nazism, etc etc.

Nazism was a worldview that was brainwashed into kids.

Conservative ideas were once brainwashed into kids.

Now liberal ideas are being brainwashed into kids.

And that's how that seems to work.

Side: Logically defenseable
excon(18262) Clarified
1 point

Hello bront:

You got it.. The only "ism" that doesn't belong on that list is atheism, and you were correct to leave it off.. All those other ism's HAVE a belief.. Atheism, of course, is the LACK of belief..


Side: Logically defenseable
Negligentt(397) Disputed
2 points

Da Atheists do n have fallen into all of dose categories. *

Side: Based on faulty logic
atypican(4873) Disputed
1 point

Are you prepared to answer questions concerning why you consider the philosophy of secularism (as you understand it) to be logically defensible?

Side: Based on faulty logic
2 points

Didn't receive many answers to my pertinent questions from what appears to be a refugee from some other forum.

Everything considered the thread was no more than an ego building exercise by some wannabe academic and therefore a waste of my time.

Side: Based on faulty logic
Negligentt(397) Disputed
2 points

For instance, what religious dogma does Xi Jinping and the other members of the ruling communist party of the People's Republic of China follow

Censor da internet, don't give Oboama a latter to get off da plane, and manipulates da currency.

Side: Logically defenseable
1 point

If you have questions to ask concerning the position I have taken here please ask them. I am anxious to discover a logical inconsistency of mine that I haven't been able to find on my own

Side: Based on faulty logic
1 point

I have come to believe that secularism is the myth that governments can be religiously neutral. I hope someone can expose a logical flaw in my thinking as I find the prospect of a "post-secular" world disturbing.

Side: Based on faulty logic
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hello a:

Government is made up of people, and you can't de-religionize them, nor SHOULD you. You CAN, however, make the rules secular, and require the religionized to follow the rules in SPITE of their religion.

Let's take Kim Davis, the county official whose job was to issue marriage licenses... The RULES say she was to issue them according to law.. Instead, she CHOSE to insert her religion into the process, thereby FORCING her religion on her citizens.. Eventually, the RULES restored secular government.

Frankly, I find the prospect of a non secular government frightening... After all, WHO'S religion is the government gonna adopt??


Side: Logically defenseable
3 points

Government is made up of people, and you can't de-religionize them, nor SHOULD you. You CAN, however, make the rules secular, and require the religionized to follow the rules in SPITE of their religion

It's been tried. In some cases it end in the genocide of 50 million people. In other cases the ruler emulates a cabbage patch doll and claims that HE is God and manifested the colors of the rainbow. He then begins hurling missiles at Japan. In other cases he winds up in a drug coma, gets god complex and begins burning people alive. I'll let you figure out what is what.....

Side: Based on faulty logic
excon(18262) Clarified
1 point

Hello again, a:

I can tell you whose rules I'm NOT following, and that's yours.. I read 'em, and I'm trying to stay above the fray.. But, the fray has a hold on me.


Side: Logically defenseable