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Socratic Engagement

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Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Socratic Engagement...anyone game? (2)

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atypican(4873) pic

Socratic Engagement...anyone game?

I have created a debate community for those who are tired of talking past one another and want to try engaging in dialogs where the aim is to draw out your opponents (actually held) position through polite inquiry. The aim is to expose logical inconsistencies without arguing against your opponent. If you do it right they argue against themselves with your help. If anyone knows what I am talking about and wants to try (in either role) feel free to join this community. The way I envision the group is that it will be oriented around expression of opinions known to be controversial (and preferably actually held by the prospective interlocutors). at that point they will be asked a battery of questions which the interlocutor is to answer as directly as possible. Whether or not logical inconsistencies are revealed will be left up to the readers to decide for themselves.
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1 point

I'm not ready here and now to engage in it but I will when I have more time. Where is this community?

atypican(4873) Clarified
1 point

You can get to it at

The way I see it is that we use the "for/against debate" format. On each "side" of the debate one opponent scrutinizes the other's position. Come help get the community going if you want.

Sure. I've tried it a few times here, but it doesn't always work well enough.

atypican(4873) Clarified
1 point

I havent had much luck trying to encourage this kind of engagement here either. Hopefully we can get community participants to understand and adhere to the format. we'll see.