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I eat meat I don't eat meat
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 I eat meat (1)
 I don't eat meat (1)

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atypican(4873) pic

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Challenge Debate: Why/Why not eat meat?


I eat meat

Side Score: 1

I don't eat meat

Side Score: 1
1 point

Do you avoid all animal products in your diet, or just those that involve slaughter?

Side: I eat meat
LittleMisfit(1745) Clarified
1 point

I'm not vegan at the moment for the same reasons you listed for not being vegetarian. I tried it, but didn't have the cooking skills or discipline to properly plan my meals. I do try to keep animal products to a minimum, but still have room for improvement, particularly when it comes to dairy products. I do eventually want to become vegan, but I'm not there yet. This debate is a good reminder that I need to make more of an effort towards that transition.

Side: I eat meat

What is the primary reason you choose an omnivorous diet over a meat-free one?

Side: I don't eat meat
atypican(4873) Clarified
1 point

I think it is the amount of eating required to satisfy my appetite and keep from losing weight coupled with an intense craving for meat if I go without.

Side: I eat meat
LittleMisfit(1745) Clarified
1 point

When trying a vegetarian diet, did you replace meat with other foods that had similar nutrients and calories?

Did you switch to a vegetarian diet all at once, or make the change gradually, giving your body and mind time to adjust?

Do you think it's possible to maintain a healthy weight on a vegetarian diet with proper meal planning?

When I switched to a vegetarian diet, I craved meat too, because I was so used to it, but after about 6 months that craving went away.

Side: I eat meat